10/01/25 Year 5 Blog
Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 2:25pm
Happy New Year.
We have had a great first week back. Our history topic on the Viking invasion and the conflicts with the Anglo Saxons has begun in ernest and we have looked at where the Vikings originated in geography, looking also at the timezones and lines of longtitude and latitude of these countries, some places in the UK where they invaded - including Formby and the chronology of where they fit into British and world history and the chronology of conflicts. See photos for our fun activity where metre rulers became timelines. Our overarching question for this history topic is whether the Vikings were viscious or victorious. Our art topic closely links with history as we will become fashion designers, creating modern clothes influenced by Viking colours, styles and patterns. We have already researched some fashion designers and traditional Viking clothes to create sketch book notes.
In maths we have started our fraction topic. This week's homework links to our last 2 days learning on equivelant fractions.
We have started our class novel Nowhere Emporium and next week will start our build up to writing on this book.