Blog - 18.3.22
Date: 21st Mar 2022 @ 6:16pm
It's been another lovely week here in Year 6!
Our topic of NYC is coming to a close, but the children are still as eager as ever to expand their geographical knowledge.
This week, they've looked at NYC and Liverpool as tourist hot spots and have begun to research the attractions that bring millions of visitors to each place each year as next week, they'll be writing their very own persuasive information leaflet for potential tourists of each great city.
In Maths, we've been calculating and measuring angles and now know such things as: the angles along a straight line always equal 180 degrees. They've done very well!
Well done to our Superstars and we hope that all of the children had a fabulous time celebrating Red Nose Day 2022. They looked very colourful indeed!
Take care.