Blog - 8.10.21
Date: 11th Oct 2021 @ 3:25pm
Hi all,
It's been a strange week here in Y6, but firstly, we'd like to say a huge thank you to you all for your flexibility and support during these times.
We hope that you feel that your children have been well provided for and as ever, we'll be striving to provide them with the best standard of education: either in class or remotely.
We're coming towards the end of this half-term now and with that, the culmination of our topc 'Fit 4 Life'.
The children have continued to learn about how to keep themselves healthy and this has been incorporated into their writing as they have been producing persuasive letters.
We've also continued to do lots of sports, games, dancing, yoga and mindfulness.
Take care and we hope that you're all well.
The Y6 team