Reception blog Friday 5th March 2021
Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 11:29am
Week commencing Monday 8th March 2021
Hello everyone,
We hope you are all safe and well. We are so excited to welcome you all back on Monday 8th March 2021.
Children need to arrive at school between 8.35am and 8.45am. There will be a member of school staff on the gate and children will enter the ROLA, where Reception staff will be waiting to welcome your child/children back.
We are planning some lovely activities, as the children settle back into familiar routines and rekindle their friendships. We are confident this will be established quickly.
Wednesday 10th March is ‘Well being Wednesday’. Children will need to come into school in their games kit.
Our games sessions will start the week commencing Monday 15th March. They will be every Monday and Thursday. As prior to lockdown, children will come to school in their games kit on these days.
Please can all school reading and story books be returned on Friday12th March. We will change your child’s books, and re-establish our ‘book change Friday’, each week.
Please remember that if you need to contact us please use the temporary email address [email protected] we will either call or email you back.
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support you have given your child/children, over the last two months. You have embraced the home learning and ‘live’ lessons with positivity and enthusiasm, and your child will have thrived from the time, love and support you have given them.
The Reception staff would also like to thank you for your kindness, patience and support, as we have navigated through teaching our little ones using remote learning. We are so looking forward to having them back in the heart of our school where they belong.
See you Monday,
The Reception Team