Reception Blog Week ending Friday 12th March 2021
Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 3:07pm
Week ending Friday 12th March 2021
It has been wonderful to welcome the children back into school this week. We are immensely proud of how they have settled quickly into the familiar routines, and rekindled their friendships. It’s as though they have never been away! And the classrooms have been filled with happy, chattering voices, and lots of activity.
Our theme has been ‘The Three Little Pigs’. The children have enjoyed exploring the role play areas - A police station (the big bad wolf has been arrested many times!) and a building site (replacing houses blown down by all the huffing and puffing!) We have acted out the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’, as well as making a story telling bracelet to help retell the story. Your child has brought their bracelet home today. Ask them to be a story teller and use it to help retell the story to you. We’d love to hear about it on a ‘Good News’ slip.
The children have all painted a bright, colourful picture to display in the classroom too, as well as a class hand print heart to remind us of our Reception Christian value of Kindness.
We have also started to assess children to see where they are all up to, and inform our new groupings.
Please be reminded that Outdoor Games sessions are Monday’s and Thursday’s, children need to come into school in their games kit on these days. Please can we ask that your child/ children only have laced trainers if they are able to tie them. Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Take care and stay safe.
The Reception Team :)