Reception Weekly Blog (10.1.25)
Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 12:16pm
Happy New Year!
We arrived on Monday ready to introduce our first experts of 2025. In Pinewoods classroom we had William teaching us all about vehicles. Over in Sand Dunes classroom the focus moved to Laial, who was an expert in her field; the children have learnt so much about Egypt. The children love exploring different interests each week.
We can’t wait to meet our first ‘Secret Storytellers’ next Friday. If this is something you/ your family members would be interested in please email us at [email protected]
Your child will have brought home some red words today, these are words that are tricky to decode, we say “it is tricky to Fred a red”, we need learn these words. Red words are words that cannot be sounded out because they break the phonetic rules of the English Language.
In our reading and writing sessions, we continue to focus on reading speed sounds at speed:
and reading CVC words independently:
have a go at this new virtual classroom video, Nell is reading words using ‘Fred Talk’.
Don’t forget our golden ticket celebration will be on Wednesday 15th January, children can come to school in their PJ’s or comfy clothes and we will enjoy a film/ snack in the afternoon.
This week, in RE we explored the story of Moses and we will begin to cover the story of Noah next week. During our learning, we will hear the bible stories and also learn about floating and sinking.
We met number 6 this week, the children impressed us with their number knowledge. They were able to spot 6 in many ways. Including; 6 eggs in an egg box, 6 legs on an insect and 6 on a dice. What can you find at home that shows 6?
Thank you for sending your child to school with a warm coats, gloves and hats. Please try to name all belongings as lots of items are getting left or misplaced.
Please continue to send us your good news (no matter how big, or small) we love to share it as a class and it is so pleasing to see your children stand at the front and talk about their news [email protected]
Enjoy your weekend,
The Reception Team