Reception Weekly Blog (10.3.23)
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 3:25pm
Even though we are beginning to learn all about Easter and Spring, the changes in the weather this week have certainly provided a talking point! The children all absolutely loved playing in the snow on Friday, followed by a lovely, warm hot chocolate and a story time in class.
We have been assessing the children in their Maths skills this term, checking on progress in key areas – ordering numerals, subitising, and number bonds to 5 and 10. The children have all done really well and have shown good steps of progress. For those who have already had their parents evening, your child's progress will have been shared with you already. We look forward to sharing more of the children's progress throughout the remaining parents evenings.
What a fun-packed day we had on Thursday, at Imagine That! We played dress up, became artists, experimented with wind, magnets and water, and even had our photograph taken alongside a life-sized astronaut! From giant bubbles to gooey slime the children had such a magical time and we couldn’t be prouder of them for their exceptional behaviour. Please enjoy having a look through all of the photographs below.
Next week, we will zooming off from all things Space and exploring our new topic ‘People who help us’. If you or anybody who you know are a Police Officer, Dentist, or work in the NHS and would be happy to talk to Reception children for a few minutes about your role, we would be very grateful! If you could either let us know in person, or send an e-mail to reception
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
The Reception team :)