Reception Weekly Blog 1.10.21
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 3:03pm
Another week of fun, fun and more fun in Reception!
We introduced our first number of the week on Monday, number 1! The children have thoroughly enjoyed finding lots out about the number one. We have talked about circles and ovals having one continuous side, the 1st day of the week and even 1 o’clock. Why don’t you to take some time over the weekend to see if you can spot anything ‘1’?
1 on a bin, house number 1, number 1 in the shops! We would love to hear about it on a good news slip, if you take pictures you can send them to [email protected] so we can share them with the class.
We had a fantastic time on Thursday when we met with our Year 4 buddies for the first time. We had so much fun playing parachute games on the big playground and learning new skills on the playframe with help from our new friends. Hopefully, it won’t be too long before our next ‘buddy time’.
As we continue to learn our Set 1 Speed Sounds, please ensure children are regularly practising the ones we have learnt so far at home. Being able to recognise the pure sound of ‘m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g’ will really help when we start to blend these sounds for reading. If you are unsure of the correct pronunciation of each sound take a look on the Reception page for video guidance, you will also find letter formation phrases for writing the sounds.
We have really enjoyed learning about the Harvest Festival this week, the farm shop role play has been a big hit and the children can’t wait to explore vegetables even further next week when we focus on the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’.
Our first Reception Newsletter has been printed and placed in your child’s book bag along with their very first ‘Superstar’ certificate. A huge well done to our two lovely classes here in Reception, who have settled in incredibly well!
Have a lovely weekend everyone,
The Reception Team :)