Reception Weekly Blog (12.1.24)
Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 3:50pm
Embracing creativity in Reception!
Our week began with a flood of story magic! Our budding storytellers took centre spotlight with animated expressions as they described their favourite story to a friend. Curiosity and enthusiasm captured each child as they re-told some of the fantastical adventures inside their tales.
The carpet also became a stage this week, as we embraced our creativity and talent in preparation for our upcoming musical showcase. It was a symphony of giggles and musical exploration as we began to learn the lyrics (and dance moves!) to our show-stopping songs. Our Reception class are not just preparing for a musical performance, we’re creating memories and embarking on a musical adventure together!
Our Design and Technology focus this term is to explore the art of threading, whilst also developing our weaving and sewing skills. Our budding crafters will channel their creativity into producing woven bookmarks for their favourite book! Not only will we be exploring different materials and techniques, but we will also develop those crucial fine motor skills to use a range of small tools competently and safely. Let the threading magic begin!
Thank you to all who have kindly donated cardboard boxes for our Art project this term. Our Reception children love working on a miniature scale, and are very excited to create their ‘Favourite Book in a Box!’ As our youngest readers have selected their most cherished tale, we will be bringing our books to life. We love sharing stories and can’t wait to celebrate literature and creativity as we embark on an artistic journey!
In Maths this week, we explored number 13 whilst also consolidating our understanding of the composition of numbers to 5. The children investigated part-part-whole models, for example, seeing that 5 can be made of 3 and 2. We explored how a ‘whole’ number can be made up of different ‘parts’, and dived in with a splash to this concept practically, through the nursery rhyme ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’.
A gentle reminder to parents and carers that we are collecting £6 per child snack money this term. Please hand your contribution to any member of the Reception team, if you have not yet already done so, thank you.
Have a wonderful weekend everybody.
The Reception Team :)