Reception Weekly Blog (15.11.24)
Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 12:32pm
Wow… what a busy week!
It was Remembrance Day on Monday, which meant we could wear the poppies we had created whilst watching our year 6’s poignant Remembrance service in the hall. It was our first time in the hall for an assembly and we were very proud of how the children sat and paid their respects whilst being silent for 2 minutes.
During our maths sessions this week, we met number 4! The children were delighted to explore the next number of the week and did so by discussing all the different ways they can see 4 e.g. 1, 1, 1, and 1 or 2 and another 1 and even 2 and 2. We explored squares and rectangles amongst other 4 sided shapes, we emerged ourselves in conversation about their sides and corners. Why don’t you become shape detectives this weekend, find as many squares and rectangles as possible!
How lucky were we on Thursday? The children may have told you that a fire engine arrived on our school playground! The wonderful staff from Merseyside Fire and Rescue treated us to a tour of the truck and explained all about the different parts, as well as all the amazing jobs they do… not just fighting fires. We were lucky enough to be able to have a go on the fire hose and wear some of the protective clothing.
Friday was Children in Need, the children looked fantastic in their yellow/ spotty clothes. We spent lots of time talking about those less fortunate than ourselves. Thank you for all of your generous donations.
This week was Anti-bullying week, the theme was ‘choose respect’. The children learnt that respect is talking and treating someone in a really positive way, treating others how we would like to be treated and above all, spreading kindness in everything we do. We each made a promise this week by painting our hands and adding the print to a ‘heart’ suggesting ways we can be respectful to our school family. We wore our odd socks with pride as we celebrated our differences.
In the next few weeks, we will shift our focus from fire to ice! As the temperature drops and we approach our Winter months, we will explore the seasonal changes and take notice of our changing world. we we cannot wait to introduce our first ‘focus child’ in Sand Dunes and Pinewoods on Monday. The children become the ‘expert’ for the week and teach the children about their interests.
Have a wonderful weekend and please continue to share your good news (no matter how big or small) with us, by emailing [email protected]
The Reception Team