Reception Weekly Blog 17.6.22
Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 2:52pm
We are 'mad about minibeasts'!
Reception have had a fantastic week full of awe and wonder, with even more ‘egg-citing’ visitors to our school. The children have been fascinated to watch our caterpillars grow every day this week. Through sharing information books and caterpillar stories, we have been learning all about how they grow and change. It has really inspired the children to look for minibeasts in the ROLA, and take great care to remember our Reception Christian value – kindness when observing them.
This week, we are continuing to share the Christian story of ‘Creation’ in which God created the world in 7 days. The children listened so attentively to the story from our Children’s Bible and showed lots of enthusiasm in their discussion afterwards. To extend our learning, the children have begun to create collage artwork to represent each day in the story, experimenting with colour, design, texture and technique.
In Maths, its all about Rekenreks (counting frames)! We have loved exploring our new counting tool this week. The children have been mastering their subitising skills by matching beads on their Rekenreks to different quantities to 10. We have also enjoyed focusing on the story ‘Mr Gumpy’s Outing’ by John Burningham to explore addition and 'counting on'.
On Wednesday, Reception were lucky enough to visit Year 2’s special delivery of living eggs. The children watched in wonder as one of the eggs started to crack before our very eyes. We were so proud of the children for being as quiet as they could in order not to disturb the eggs. Excitement levels were high!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
The Reception Team :)