Reception Weekly Blog 17.9.21
Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 4:31pm
We have had another great week in Reception!
The children are continuing to settle into their new routines, and are beginning to learn everyone’s name- which is a very difficult task.
This week we introduced the children to the story of Elmer, enjoying a variety of Elmer stories with lots of different characters. The children have made their very own Elmer from tissue paper which will let the sun shine through. We have learned all about elephants and the children have created their very own African elephant, learning what happens when we mix black and white paint, the children are excited to add extra details once it is dry.
Your child chose their first reading book today, please take some time to share this story together and record a comment in their reading record, books will be changed each Friday, there is a letter with more information on in your child’s reading folder.
Next week we will begin to learn our individual sounds – look out for the sheets in your child’s book bag.
We can’t wait for another busy week with you, have a fantastic weekend everyone!
The Reception Team :)