Reception Weekly Blog 18.3.22
Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 3:15pm
5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Blast Off!
To celebrate British Science Week, children in Reception have explored all things ‘Space’ in our new topic ‘Out Of This World’. A huge thank you to all who donated large cardboard boxes, a humble but powerful tool for play and learning! As well as being lots of fun, it was wonderful to watch the creativity flourish!
On Monday, we were taken on a tour of our planet in the story ‘Here we are’ by Oliver Jeffers. The children were fascinated to explore “Google Earth” on the interactive whiteboard. We located our school and some children even spotted their houses! This is a fantastic activity to try at home, to support children in understanding their physical world.
What a fun-packed day we had at Imagine That! We played dress up, became artists, experimented with wind, magnets and water, and even ate lunch alongside a life-sized astronaut! From giant bubbles to gooey slime the children had such a magical time and we couldn’t be prouder of them for their exceptional behaviour.
In maths, the children were introduced to number 15 and had lots of experience with subitising (seeing the quantity without counting). Next week, the children can use their subitising skills to explore equal amounts which will help them as we begin to delve into doubles, halving and sharing.
We loved wearing red and sharing jokes for Comic Relief 2022! Well done to everyone who shared a funny joke, we were giggling all afternoon!
Have a brilliant, sunny weekend everyone. The Reception Team :)