Reception Weekly Blog 19.11.21
Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 2:25pm
What a lovely week we have had, thinking of others!
This week we have been talking to the children about our fundraising for Children in Need and explaining that all children should be able to play, be safe, be happy, healthy and cared for. However, sadly this does not always happen but BBC children in Need works hard to help all children smile. A BIG thank you, to all our children, parents and carers this week, who have made our Pudsey money jar very heavy!
The children looked fantastic in their yellow and spots, we loved every minute of the games in the hall lead by our lovely Year 6 children.
From Monday through to Friday we have embraced ‘anti-bullying week’, for our Reception children this means talking about kindness. It has been so heart warming to hear all of their ideas about how we could be a good friend and what we can do if someone is having a tricky day or need a friend to play with. We have discussed that just because this week is dedicated to anti-bullying we should try our very best to be kind and make the right choices every day.
We have focussed a lot on road safety this week as it has been ‘Road Safety Week’ – we followed ‘super cat’s’ story and the children were set the task of telling you how we can be careful near roads.
We even had an indoor and outdoor PE session based on vehicles and the importance of red, amber and green.
Remember… Stop, Look, Listen and Think!!
We have been inspired by the number 6 this week, we have played lots of dice games, the children have especially enjoyed snakes and ladder and the other version of snakes and slides. It was fantastic to see the team work whilst playing these games and the recognition of dotty dice patterns. Keep up the hard work!
Next week, temperatures are set to drop outdoors and in Reception! We cannot wait to start learning lots of things when we move on to the theme of ice.
Have a great weekend everybody,
Don’t forget to share your good news with us on a good news slip or via the Reception email [email protected]
The Reception Team :)