Reception Weekly Blog (20.9.24)
Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 3:37pm
Another busy but wonderful week in Reception:
The children returned refreshed on Monday ready to embrace all that school had to offer. We spent lots of time talking about our families this week and how each of our families are different, the children enjoyed drawing their loved ones and helping us label their loved ones.
On Tuesday the children used small mirrors to look at their reflections and engaged in lots of talk about all of our amazing features. The children demonstrated their artistic talents and created a self-portrait, we spoke about how we are all different but we are all special.
On Thursday we decided it would be nice to make a sweet treat for our loved ones to enjoy during our open afternoon. So, we put our culinary skills to the test and made some delicious rice crispy cakes! The children enjoyed talking about the process and how the chocolate would change as we melted it from a solid bar to soft melty liquid to coat our rice crispies.
During our time outdoors, we used our senses to explore some natural ‘treasure’. Conkers, leaves and pinecones made wonderful additions to our sensory kitchen and the children loved smelling the lavender and rosemary in the flower beds. We even added some of the calming lavender buds to our playdough to further explore the relaxing scent.
The sounds we have learned this week: - m - a - s - d - t
Whilst the children are learning to recall the single letter sounds above, they are also learning to hear the word when an adult segments it into sounds e.g. an adult could say ‘c-a-t’ and the child will blend it together and say ‘cat’. - spend some time over the weekend familiarising yourself with ‘Fred Games’.
It was absolutely fantastic to see so many of you at our open afternoon today, the children seemed to love showing you around their learning space. We are so proud of how well they have settled into their new setting. We look forward to learning more sounds next week and talking about places that are special to us and where we live.
We love sharing our ‘good news’ with the class and can’t wait to see what you have all been up to over the weekend, send any wow moments our way using the email address [email protected]
Thank you for your continued support, have a great weekend!
The Reception Team