Reception Weekly Blog 21.1.22
Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 4:17pm
Another fun-filled week in Reception!
In maths, the children are enjoying finding different ways to build number bonds to 9 and 10 using Numicon, counters and fingers! We have introduced 3D shapes this week – looking at the objects we can see in our homes which represent cones, spheres, cylinders and cuboids! We even explored how they move down a simple ramp and if they could be stacked easily on top of each other. The children are using fantastic mathematical language every day!
In our Read, Write, Inc lessons we have been learning our Set 2 sounds made up of two or three letters which represent just one sound – ay as in play, ee as in see and igh as in high. It is so important that your child does not pronounce these as two or three separate sounds, these sounds are called ‘special friends’.
In Outdoor Games this week the children loved playing a fast and fun game of non-contact tag rugby, using their whole body to develop their gross motor skills.
Continuing our Traditional Tales topic this week we have explored the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have had so much fun building houses made of straw, sticks and bricks to discover which structures are the strongest.
Preparation is well underway for our performance of Hat’s Off. The children cannot wait to sing and dance their way through the seasons with you on Friday 11th February.
Next week we look forward to continuing our theme of The Three Little Pigs, discussing how the Big Bag Wolf can make the right choices, exploring patterns and how they repeat and more Set 2 Sounds.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
The Reception Team