Reception Weekly Blog (22.11.24)
Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 12:37pm
Happy Friday everyone,
What a chilly, but fantastic week we have had!
We arrived on Monday ready to introduce our experts for this week. In Sand Dunes classroom we have learned all about Owls this week. Our expert Charlotte has helped us to learn all about these nocturnal creatures and their incredible features. Over in Pinewoods classroom the focus moved to cars, as we explored the different types of race cars and how they work. Ava helped the children learn all about these super, speedy machines. The children have loved exploring Ava and Charlotte’s interests this week and we look forward to meeting our new experts next week.
On Tuesday, the children were thrilled to arrive to a beautiful blanket of snow over our school. After everyone arrived safely we headed outside to enjoy it together. It was only right to head inside after playing in the snow to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and malted milk biscuit to warm ourselves up. With the icy weather continuing to grace us with its presence, we continued to explore the process of freezing and watched the hailstones fall with awe and wonder.
We continued our theme of ‘People Who Help Us’ this week. On Wednesday we had a serving member of the RAF come to chat to us at school. One of our very own Reception parents, very kindly took time from his busy schedule to come and talk to the children about his role in keeping our country safe. The children were able to try on parts of the uniform and learn more about The Navy, The Army and Air Force, by asking really sensible questions. We took away very important lessons; including the importance of working as a team.
In our reading and writing sessions, we continue to focus on reading speed sounds ‘speedily’ and reading CVC words independently Please continue to use your speed sound cards to over-learn those sounds and special friends, it is also beneficial to practise reading green words as often as you can to speed up reading. If you have misplaced yours or have any questions please do not hesitate to message us.
In maths we have been learning more about number 5, we will continue learning all about numbers within 5 until the end of term. It is important for the children to consolidate their knowledge of numbers within 5 before we move on to numbers within 10. Please continue to practise counting and ordering numbers at home. As well as spotting amounts of things e.g. how many petals on a flower? How many birds on a line? How many eggs in a box? Encourage your child to tell you what they notice and how they see it e.g “I see 3, 2 on this side and 1 on this side”.
we introduced the children to the ‘part, whole model’ last week and the children have impressed us so much with how they are using it to split up a whole number into parts. Take a look at the example shared below and have a go at home. You could use some teddy bear snacks or small treats to represent numbers, we would love to see your maths fun at home as good news.
Thank you for sending your child to school with a warm coats, gloves and hats. Please try to name all belongings as lots of items are being misplaced.
Please continue to send us your good news (no matter how, or small) we love to share it as a class and it is so pleasing to see your children stand at the front and talk about their news [email protected]
Have a relaxing weekend, stay warm!
The Reception Team