Reception Weekly Blog 22.4.22
Date: 22nd Apr 2022 @ 1:43pm
Welcome back, everyone!
Summer term is here already and we can’t quite believe it. The children have returned refreshed and ready to go! It has been lovely to welcome all the children back to school and hear all about the lovely things they have done over the Easter break.
We have continued to watch our teeny, tiny tadpoles grow this week, we watched them closely this week and tried our best to write some short sentences to describe what we could see. They are starting to eat more each day, it is fascinating to see them all wriggle to get a space around some food. We look forward to watching them develop into froglets over the coming weeks and speak more about the life-cycle of a frog.
We introduced number 17 this week, we used the part, part whole diagram to see how we could split 17 into two parts, the children came up with some fantastic examples. See if you can find anything representing 17 this weekend. We started to sort this week to deepen our maths knowledge, sorting anything we can find (including children)! We spent time as a group sorting objects by size, shape and colour and sorted our ‘Numberblocks’ into odd and even groups.
The children were delighted that they returned to a ‘potting shed’ and ‘flower shop’ role play after the break. It has been fantastic to see them buying, planting and caring for the flowers inside the classroom. They carried this outside into the ROLA when sweeping up leaves and collecting litter.
As part of our Religious Education (RE) sessions in Reception this week, we have spoken as a group about belonging and where we belong, this led us nicely to talk about how we work as a team and noting down what makes us a member of our special Reception team. One of our tasks was to look after a balloon, the children had to work as a team to ensure the balloon could get passed to each child without popping or dropping it. The children were amazing at taking care of it and passing it around our bodies, through our legs and over our heads, take a look at some of our pictures below!
Next week, we will be using the ‘Supertato’ series of books as our learning focus as we continue to plant and grow!
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday,
The Reception Team :)