Reception Weekly Blog (23.2.24)
Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 12:04pm
Springing into a New Term!
As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, we're thrilled to welcome the fresh start of a new Spring term in our Reception class.
In RE, we explore the Easter story, where we're reminded of the magic of new beginnings. Through gentle storytelling and discussion, we're beginning to understand the story of Jesus, his kindness, and the love he shared with everyone. Whether we're sharing stories, songs, or smiles, Easter is a time for fresh starts and exciting adventures.
This week, our reception class has stepped into the shoes of architects, ready to design their own magnificent junk model superstructures. We kicked off our journey by exploring examples of buildings, space rockets, boats, and other fascinating structures from around the world. As we delved into our research, we emphasised the importance of using the internet safely to discover endless inspiration for our creations. Armed with paper and pencils, the children sketched and recorded their ideas. We have so many unique ideas in motion already, from houses to castles to viaducts!
In maths, the children are continuing to consolidate their understanding of the composition of numbers to 10. This week, we investigated the numbers within 7, e.g., seeing that 7 can be made of 5 and 2. A key focus was partitioning 7 (splitting it into parts), removing one part, and thinking about the missing part. When the children can partition numbers mentally, they will become more fluent in their knowledge of number bonds and will be able to use these skills in Year One and beyond. At home, why not arrange seven toys (or items) next to a piece of paper or blue cloth to represent a pond. Move some of the toys into the pond. How many are in the pond? How many are on the side? Are there still seven altogether?
On Friday, we shared our paws-itively exciting news with the children! We will welcome two tiny arrivals into the classroom on Monday — gerbils! As future Gerbil caretakers, we discussed the importance of responsibility and gentle care. From providing fresh food and water to creating a cosy home, we'll all play a role in ensuring our new furry friends feel loved and safe. Over the weekend, what new facts can you and your child discover about gerbils? If you have any questions - please don’t hesitate to ask!
We’ve noticed that there are many budding palaeontologists in our reception classes, and so, next week, we plan to journey back in time to explore the incredible prehistoric world of dinosaurs! Stay tuned for fossil-filled fun as every roar, stomp, and discovery brings us closer to understanding the wonders of our planet's past. We plan our curriculum based on the interests of the children. Look out for a 'Focus Child' form inside your child's bookbag. We choose two children each week to be experts in their field! If you do receive a focus child form (on a Friday), please provide as much detail as possible and return your completed form on Monday. Thank you.
It has been wonderful to spend time with those who were able to attend a parent/teacher meeting on Thursday. Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership. We look forward to our next parent/teacher appointments, on Tuesday 27th February.
Have a fantastic weekend, everybody.
The Reception Team.