Reception Weekly Blog (25.11.22)
Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 3:32pm
Another busy and exciting week in Reception!
The children are continuing to progress well with their sounds and are now starting to blend these sounds together to make words. This week, the children have been introduced to our Set 1 ‘special friend’ sounds (two letters that make one sound). Please watch the videos on the Reception class page of our website, to review some of these sounds and support the children at home. We are very impressed with how well the children are doing with their phonics! Well done!
In Maths, we have been trying hard to make our own repeating patterns. We debated whether or not a pattern is still a repeating pattern if it is in the shape of a snake, or a circle. The children all enjoyed creating their own simple ABABABAB pattern using multi-link cubes. We would love to see any repeating patterns the children make at home. Why not try using objects you can find outside such as leaves, sticks, or stones. Send your photographs into our reception email at [email protected] which we can share during our good news time.
In our music focus this week, we sang and did the actions to 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' before discussing how actions can make songs fun, easier to understand and remember. We also highlighted that actions can be used to help people who find communicating difficult or for people who are deaf. The children really enjoyed creating their own actions to the song ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It…’.
Next week, we cannot wait to start talking about the colder climates of our planet including Antarctica, and begin to look at life cycles of some of the animals which live there.
Thank you for your continued support as always.
The Reception Team :)