Reception Weekly Blog 25.3.22
Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 3:05pm
We’ve had lots of fun this week in Reception!
To celebrate World Maths Day on Wednesday, the children enjoyed a scavenger hunt to spot numbers and shapes in our environment which mean something. We looked for the biggest number we could find, shapes and something too large to count - the children had fantastic ideas such as the number of bricks in our school and the many blades of grass on our field. What numbers and shapes can you find at home?
Spring has arrived in Reception and we would like to say a huge thank you to one of our fabulous families who have donated frogspawn. The children are so excited to see the transformation of frogspawn, to tadpoles, to froglets!
In our Read, Write, Inc sessions we are continuing to blend sounds together into buildable words. Practice, practice, practice at home makes such a huge difference. One way you can help your child at home is by using just the speech sounds, and then asking your child to work out and say the whole word. You could say ‘Today we are going to the /sh/ /o/ /p/’ ‘shop.’
Next week we look forward to exploring more of our natural world and the effect of changing seasons, finding our green fingers to plant seed balls and delve further into the teen numbers looking at all things number 17!
We hope you make lots of special memories this weekend! We would love to hear all about it on your child’s good news slip.
The Reception Team :)