Reception Weekly Blog 28.1.22
Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 3:56pm
We’ve had great fun this week in Reception!
In maths, the children have been pattern spotters and makers! We read the book ‘Pattern Fish’ and had great fun spotting the patterns on every page. We then went to look for patterns around our classroom and even used our bodies to make our own repeating pattern. So many imaginative patterns which included hands clapping and knee tapping! What patterns can you make at home?
In outdoor games this week the children really enjoyed being frogs, and jumping across lily pads using both feet! We love to move our bodies and jumping is a fantastic way to develop our balance and coordination skills.
In our Read, Write, Inc sessions we are continuing to learn new Set 2 digraphs, this week focusing on the difference between the following two sounds - ‘oo’ as in zoo, and ‘oo’ as in look!
Continuing our focus on the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’, we took part in the ‘huff and puff’ experiment – which materials would ‘The Big Bad Hair Dryer’ blow down? The children thought carefully about their predictions and found the whole experiment very funny!
We have had lots of fun singing and dancing in preparation for our performance of Hat’s Off. The children are now proud owners of their parts to play and each have a line to practise at home.
Next week we look forward to learning more about different traditions, focusing on the celebration of Lunar New Year, introducing the number 11 and even more Set 2 Sounds.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone.
The Reception Team