Reception Weekly Blog (5.1.24)
Date: 5th Jan 2024 @ 4:38pm
Welcome Back! We hope that you have all enjoyed a wonderful, and restful break with your families.
The Spring term brings with it a sense of renewal and fresh beginnings, as we welcome back Ms Hesketh with open arms after her maternity leave. Our Reception children are all ready for another new set of adventures, filled with discovery, laughter and learning.
This term, the children will have an exciting opportunity to explore their creativity, build confidence, and collaborate with their friends as we prepare for a very special performance of ‘Hat’s Off!’ on Friday 9th February 2024, 9:00am. Being on stage can be a big experience for young children, and your support at home will be invaluable in fostering their excitement. Over the next few weeks, will be sending home lines to practice, and songs to learn with your child at home. Watch this space!
As we continue in fostering our love of reading, we are asking that your child brings in a favourite book from home on Monday 8th January 2024. To further capture the interests of each child, we aim to spark conversations, create connections and inspire a new art project showcasing our favourite tales to explore this term.
As a result of our recent Phonics assessment and in preparation for new groupings next week, we have taken your child's existing Read, Write, Inc. books out of your child's book bag and each child has chosen a book to share at home with you for this week. New phonics books or sheets will be sent home from next week. If you have any Read, Write, Inc books at home, please send them back to school at your earliest convienience. We are very proud of all children’s achievements. Thank you for your partnership in your child’s reading journey.
Finally, next week, please send this term’s £6.00 snack money inside your child’s book bag, or hand it to any member of the Reception team. This amount will ensure the availability of diverse snacks for hungry tummies, as well as providing our little chefs with the ingredients they need for their cooking activities.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or if there is anything you would like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact us. As always, we love hearing about what you have been up to at home, please send in any good news big or small to our Reception e-mail address [email protected].
Here’s to a blooming Spring term!
The Reception Team