Reception Weekly Blog (5.5.23)
Date: 5th May 2023 @ 4:00pm
This week the children have continued to explore all things growing! When the children returned to school on Wednesday they were excited to see that our sweet pea seeds have begun to sprout lovely green leaves! The children are making sure they are well cared for and are tracking their progress daily.
Our tadpoles are growing more and more, the children are patiently waiting and checking them each day on the look out for back legs! As soon as our little tadpole friends grow their back legs we will transport them back to the pond.
To deepen our knowledge in maths, we have been subitising numbers to 6, the children have been able to indicate whether the pattern we showed to them was ‘6 or not 6’ using a thumbs up or thumbs down. See if you can subitise up to 6 at home this weekend, using counters, buttons or even raisins and mini cheddars.
As part of an art and design project this term, the children were set the task of creating their very own flower using the skill of threading with wool. We first used our observation skills to carefully paint a flower onto cardboard, mixing the colours we needed and using different techniques to represent the petals and the stem. Then, we used pencils to create holes in which to thread the wool through. Threading helps develop our hand-eye co-ordination and concentration, and also uses similar hand movements to gripping a pencil which will help us when we start writing a little more in Year 1!
We have really enjoyed learning all about the royal family this week, and celebrating The King’s Coronation! The children thoroughly enjoyed our whole school picnic on the main field, and tried their best to join in when we sang the National Anthem.
Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend and be sure to let us know what you’ve been up to on a good news slip or a spare piece of paper.
The Reception Team :)