Reception Weekly Blog (7.10.22)
Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 3:11pm
Another fun-filled week in Reception!
A BIG thank you to all who contributed to the FOSLS bucket challenge and even BIGGER well done to the winners… RH with a staggering total of 23.2kg!!
As we continue to learn our Set 1 Speed Sounds, please ensure children are regularly practising the ones we have learnt so far at home. Being able to recognise the pure sound of ‘m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g and o’ will really help when your child starts to blend these sounds for reading. If you are unsure of the correct pronunciation of each sound take a look on the Reception page for video guidance, you will also find letter formation phrases for writing the sounds.
We have really enjoyed learning more about the harvest festival this week, the farm shop role play has been a big hit and the children can’t wait to explore vegetables even further next week when we focus on the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’.
It was lovely walking to church with our Year 4 buddies on Tuesday, they helped us walk beautifully to watch our talented Year 3 friends in their harvest service. Hopefully, it won’t be too long before we spend some time with our buddies.
We celebrated National Poetry Day on Thursday, the children impressed us with all they knew about rhyme and we enjoyed sharing some well-loved nursery rhymes together.
We had out first outdoor games session this week, the children loved playing games on the big playground and they even showed their fantastic team work skills when they used the parachute for the first time since starting school.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone, don’t forget to share your good news with us on a ‘good news slip’ we love sharing it together. Email your pictures to us using [email protected] to save you from printing them off.
The Reception Team :)