Reception Weekly Blog 7.7.24
Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 4:04pm
Welcome back, Everyone!
We hope you have had a wonderful half-term and enjoyed a lovely break. It is hard to believe that we are entering the final half-term in Reception, but we have lots of very busy weeks ahead full of fun and exciting activities. The sun finally arrived on Wednesday, which allowed us to spend much of our time enjoying our learning outdoors.
This week, the children have been enjoying getting our ROLA ready for summer! Our skillful gardeners have been tidying our flower beds, and planting petunias ready to blossom in the weeks ahead. The children handled the new plants with such care, and we can’t wait to watch for any changes in our plants, whilst learning just what they need to grow larger and larger. Reception are becoming expert gardeners!
In Maths, this term, our activities are focused on allowing the children to practise all the key skills which the children have developed over the past school year, whilst deepening their sense of numbers up to 10. This week, we explored how to make a whole number from two parts, how to split numbers into two groups that have an equal amount, and we recognised that when we have two equal groups, that makes a double! The children loved making double patterns using their fingers. At home, can your child show a double amount on their fingers? Give lots of praise when they do, and ask if they can show and explain when a number is not a double?
This term, our RE learning has a special focus on the natural world, and the basis that many religious people believe God had a very important part in designing and creating it. This week, the children explored a discovery tray full of natural resources, and talked about where they thought each item had come from. We explored the meaning of the word ‘nature’ and the children were asked who they thought had made all of this nature? The children had many wonderful and different answers, and each showed fantastic listening and respect for one another as we discussed what we each believed. We introduced the Christian ‘Creation’ story from our Children’s Bible, and we look forward to discovering more wonders and beauty of our natural world next week.
Have a sunny, lovely weekend, everyone!
The Reception Team