Reception Weekly Blog (week ending Friday 11th June)
Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 4:25pm
Week ending Friday 11th June 2021
It has been lovely having the children back in school after the half term holiday and they were very keen to tell everyone what they had been up to. Thank you for all the Good News. Please remember that you can send information about what your child has been up to at home, on a piece of paper or photograph in their book bags; and you can always use the Reception email- [email protected] to forward things for us to share, if you prefer.
Our classroom role-play areas have a summer theme, which the children have enjoyed exploring. In RF there is a campsite and tent and in RH there is an ice-cream parlour and beach shop.
We have had a very special delivery today – caterpillars! We are very excited about taking on the responsibility of caring for them and watching as they grow, and change.
We have introduced number 16, and the children have explored how 16 can be made into a square shape using the multi-link cubes. See if you can find any number 16’s at home and ask your child to count 16 objects and share them into groups. Practise counting forwards and backwards to and from 16 too.
Just a few polite reminders, please ensure sun cream is applied to your child each morning. Please also ensure jumpers, cardigans and PE kits are named.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Reception Team