Reception weekly blog Week ending Friday 21st May 2021
Date: 21st May 2021 @ 3:52pm
Week ending Friday 21st May 2021
We have had another fun-filled, busy week in Reception.
Inspired by our new topic, the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’, by Eileen Browne, the children have learnt that Handa lives in Kenya, and that Kenya is a country on the continent of Africa. We have talked about the things that are the same and the things that are different for our Reception children and Handa. We have talked about what it must be like to walk to a friend’s house across the African plains amongst the giraffes, monkeys, elephants and other wild animals! We have talked about Handa’s house, and games Handa may play with her friends. Using props, the children have acted out the story and in games we retold the story and practised balancing a dome on our heads, imagining it were a basket. The children have made their own small basket too, from modelling clay. The children have prepared some fruits from the story to make a healthy smoothie – yum!
In maths we have introduced number 15. We have talked about its parts. We say it is made up of 1 ten and 5 extra ones.
Have a look around to see if you can find the number 15. Check your child can count 15 objects carefully and that they can count by rote to 15 (and then try it backwards!).
Have a lovely weekend,
The Reception Team