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Y1 Blog 19.4.24

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 5:06pm

                                 Friday 19th April

The children returned full of news and are settling back into school life. We commenced our new topic, “Into the Forest” and have begun to share a number of traditional tales. Our English focus is the story of Little Red Riding Hood, while, for music, it has been The Three Little Pigs. We considered timbre and how we can use our voices, as instruments, when representing the different characters. Our topic overview for this half term can been found within the files linked to the class page.

Wednesday, we participated in the mufti day highlighting knife crime. The children joined their buddies for their run and we cheered off those participating in the mini marathon relay from school to school.

Next Thursday, we have our class photos and will continue our water colours.

A copy of the Home Learning Grid has been placed in the Home Learning section of the website, within the files there, while a hard copy has been placed in book bags. You will find copies of the Common Exception Words, for this half term, in Homework Books too.  Please continue with the daily basic skills, running along the top of the table, and select a further activity from each of the four rows.

As you know, our Phonic Screening takes place this term and daily sounds and reading will put the children in their best position when completing it.

Thank you for your continued support.   







to learn, to succeed, to value one another

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. A value is a belief or principle that guides our thinking and behaviour. Our values underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils to be happy and confident and to to take an active role in their community and the wider world.

Each year group has adopted one of our Christian values: Kindness, Forgiveness, Courage, Thankfulness, Hope, Faithfulness and Respect. Our over-arching Christian Value is Love. Throughout the year children are helped to explore, have opportunities to practise and then given time to reflect on what each of our Christian values means to them.


St Luke's CE Primary School

Jubilee Road, Formby, Merseyside, L37 2HW

Mrs L Carrigan | Bursar

01704 872692

[email protected]