Y2 Weekly Blog (01. 10. 21)
Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 12:05pm
We have had quite a bit of disruption this week, but we are very proud with how sensible and mature all of the children have been during a tricky few days.
On Monday afternoon, the children enjoyed another music lesson, singing songs inspired by their life at home, using instruments and using their body and voice to explore volume, tempo and pitch. The children also continued to learn about the Bible and we were so impressed with what they know already, the difference between the Old Testament and the New and even the names of some of the books of the Bible like Genesis, Exodus and Psalms.
In Maths, the children have really amazed us with how quickly they have been able to learn how to use the 'Year 2 column method' for addition. The children started learning the method last week, and have continued to practise this important skill.
On Thursday, the children produced some lovely acrostic poems on the theme of Autumn - we were so impressed with their creativity and their imagination, and in the afternoon they enjoyed another session in the hall with the 'sportshall athletics' equipment!
We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all again on Monday!