Y4 Blog 24.1.25
Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 8:47am
Wow, what a windy end to a busy week in year 4.
In maths, we have been multiplying and dividing 2- and 3-digit numbers, with and without renaming, using a variety of methods. With practice, the children are becoming more confident to choose a preferred method, in order to accurately calculate.
In English, the children have been sentence stacking the scenes of The Great Kapok Tree. They have adapted parts of the original story with ideas and descriptions of their own.
In science, the children have continued looking at living things. They have answered well and made good contributions to class discussions. They enjoyed classifying animals, and producing a branching database using yes and no questions.
In RE, the children have discussed their life journey so far. They have thought about changes in their own lives, and their hopes and expectations for their future. They considered the people and groups that give them strength, inspire them and keep them safe.
In Geography, the children have been discussing deforestation, and the effects it has on the Rainforests.
A ‘big’ well done to our Weekly Superstars: 4C: Olivier and Josie 4M.
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.