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Y5 blog 15.9

Date: 15th Sep 2023 @ 4:00pm

Think week we have continued learning all about Fairtrade and how it helps so many farmers around the world and their communities. We then turned all our notes into fantastic information leaflets to teach other children the same age as us. 

In maths we have been comparing numbers to 1000000 by ordering them and solving problems to do with more and less visitors to airports and day trips. We have also learnt about the Maya number system and how they were far more advanced than here in Britain. They used sticks, pebbles and shells to create numbers and were 1 out of 2 early civilisations to use 0 as a place holder. 

In history, along with Maya maths, we also completed an orienteering challenge to learn about how the Maya, just like the Egyptians, used hieroglyphics to write. They were different symbols to Egyptians though. We are really excited about our Maya day on Tuesday, where an expert is coming in to lead the day with drama, handling artefacts and sharing everything he knows.

We met our new buddies today and had a lovely time getting to know them. They have been learning all about rhymes so we read some rhyming books to them including traditional Nursery Rhymes in the storytelling garden. Have a look at the photographs.

to learn, to succeed, to value one another

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. A value is a belief or principle that guides our thinking and behaviour. Our values underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils to be happy and confident and to to take an active role in their community and the wider world.

Each year group has adopted one of our Christian values: Kindness, Forgiveness, Courage, Thankfulness, Hope, Faithfulness and Respect. Our over-arching Christian Value is Love. Throughout the year children are helped to explore, have opportunities to practise and then given time to reflect on what each of our Christian values means to them.


St Luke's CE Primary School

Jubilee Road, Formby, Merseyside, L37 2HW

Mrs L Carrigan | Bursar

01704 872692

[email protected]