Year 1 Blog 07.03.25
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 2:41pm
What a wonderful week!
We celebrated World Book Day, on Thursday, and had fun dressing up as our favourite book characters – see which ones you can recognise on our photos! Our ‘Milk and Cookies’ evening continued the fun. ZZZzzz…
In English lessons this week, we have continued our learning on our narrative story 'Grandad's Island.' The children have writing a list of negative adjectives around the items found in Grandad's attic!
In Maths lessons this week, Y1 have continued our learning on numbers to 40. The children have been introduced to using tens and ones to show a number within 1-40. The children then demonstrated this in their maths journals, showing their working out.
In Georgraphy, Y1 have been learning about physical and human features of Wales. The children enjoyed sorting a range of photographic features into the correct groups of human and physical.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year One Team