Year 1 Blog 8.7.22
Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 4:20pm
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! I'll be beside myself with glee! We had a fabulous time at the beach, today, completing our shell survey and having fun in the sand. Next week, we look forward to comparing the similarites and differences between seaside activities now and in living memory. This week, we also had a fabulous time thinking about mass and completed some investigations of our own, using the balancing scales. We took time to complete our block prints too and look forward to using them for our final designs. Next week's diary is full! On Monday we have Sports Day, Tuesday the Year 6 show, Wednesday is Funfest in 1P (Golden Ticket reward afternoon), Thursday we say good bye to our Year 6 friends, while at church, and on Friday we say goodbye to Year 1 and hello Year 2! So much to look forward to.
We would ask that the children bring in a large reusable bag, on Monday, to fill with their belongings ,during the week. We will also be retaining bookbags, from Wednesday, and ask that they contain any school reading books, currently at home, as well as yellow reading journals. It would be helpful if keyrings are taken off too.
Thank you for your support. Have a wondeful weekend.
The Year One Team