Year 1 Weekly Blog (18. 9. 20)
Date: 17th Sep 2020 @ 8:36pm
Friday 18th September
Dear Y1 Parents & Carers,
Many thanks for your continued support, once again. The children continue to settle back into school life and new routines.
In the week ahead, we continue to think about our senses, particularly smell. Also, we commence learning more about the physical and human features of our landscape, and our own features too, through our self-portrait art work.
Look out for photographs of our life and learning, in Year 1, in future weeks. As you will know, the children are currently unable to bring the creative homework tasks they have completed to share with the class. Please feel free to forward photographs of completed work, to the office, as an alternative, and we will share it that way.
If there are any queries, please contact the office and they will forward to Miss O’Neill or Mrs. Page.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Stay safe and well.
The Year One Team