Year 2 blog 15.12.23
Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 9:03pm
What a week we have had! As you can imagine our week has been filled with our nativity performances and what an incredible job all the children have done! We are so impressed with each and every single one of them! They have blown us away this term, remembering their lines, dance routines, cues and songs. Not only that but they all worked as a team to encourage their friends, support their year group and come together to give five amazing performances! A huge congratulations to them all! Please see attached the photo's we took from the performances and rehearsals.
We have been full on with our DT project also this week, sewing our designs on our pouches and sewing our pouches together. We are just putting the finishing touches on them, ready to bring home next week.
During RE we have been reflecting on our performances and what the story we are telling really means. We have also been discussing how we now tell the story of Christmas and how to share the good news that a saviour was born.
We hope you all have a festive weekend!
The Year 2 Team