Year 2 blog 3.5.24
Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 8:05am
We've had a lovely week in Year 2, these weeks are really flying by!
During English we have continued our modelled diary entry for The Great Fire of London. The children are really enjoying our topic and imagining themselves in the midst of the action. We listened to two podcasts this week, of people imagining they were there at the time which gave us lots of ideas and inspiration for our own writing.
In Maths we have continued telling the time, we have been telling the time to o'clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to and to five minutes. Any encouragement at home to practice telling the time would be really recommended as it's a tricky life skill.
We have been busy historians this week, thinking about how we know about the Great Fire of London. We discussed how word of mouth from that long ago may not be a very reliable source, and played chinese whispers to demonstrate how facts can easily be adjusted to give a whole new message. We looked at Samuel Pepy's diary and how it was written in code. The children then had the opportunity to write their own code which they really enjoyed, they then swapped with friends and tried to decode the secret messages!
In Geography we have been recapping the four countries in the United Kingdom, their capital cities and the seas surrounding the UK with a 'Who wants to be a millionaire' style quiz.
We had a visitor this week from SWACA who delieved a healthy living workshop. They discussed with the children gender steroetyping and we looked at different careers both men and woman can do. Next they spoke about safe people and places and the children drew who their safe people were, their safe place, what made them happy and who helped them.
In RE we discussed storytellers we know, ranging from authors to parents. We discussed how Jesus is a storyteller and retold the story of The Lost Sheep.
We hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekened and enjoy the extra lie in!
Take care, The Year 2 Team