Year 2 Weekly Blog (04.11.22)
Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 12:47pm
We've had a great first week welcoming the children back after the half term. They've all been very eager to tell us about their half term and halloween!
This week we have introduced our new topic 'Celebrations around the world'. We have started by looking at the story of Diwali and why Hindu's create rangoli patterns. The children have been busy creating their own rangoli patterns which has created a gorgeous display in the classroom.
On Tuesday we had our trip to the Synagogue which was incredible to see inside the amazing building. We discussed the Sabbath which we had been learning last term and it was very interesting seeing the Torah scrolls in real life! The children walked in and immediately had that 'wow' moment looking at the beautiful high ceiling covered in gold. When we returned to school the children wrote all about their morning adventure.
In Maths we have begun looking at our times tables. In Year 2 children are expected to know their 2s, 5s and 10s so we have begun looking at our 2's and 5's. You will see we have sent home times tables sheets for homework, please go to the home learning tab for more information.
In PE we have started yoga! You will see some great pictures from this below.
In History we have been looking at the story of Guy Fawkes and Bonfire night which then led to us speaking to the children about their bonfire plans. We also covered bonfire safety and showed the children how to be safe when using sparklers. We were able to spend Friday afternoon with our buddies looking at sparklers and how to hold/put them out safely.
We hope you enjoy the fireworks this weekend!
The Year 2 Team