Year 2 Weekly Blog (11.11.22)
Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 9:44pm
We started the week getting excited for our nativity! We did a big reveal of the children's parts and have begun learning the songs. Over the next three weeks, a lot of our time will be spent rehearsing. You'll all know the songs off by heart by the time they perform!
In Maths we have been continuing with our 2, 5 and 10 times tables and the children are building their confidence with these. We've been following instructions this week and used them to create a bonfire picture. The children created brilliant pictures and their really effective! We've continued looking at Diwali and have got creative again making our own Diwali elephants. With the COP27 conference beginning, we have been speaking to the children about it and ways we could help have an impact on climate change. The children came up with brilliant ideas, like turning lights off, riding our bikes/walking to school, switching to electric cars and many more.
We ended our week watching a special rememberence service given by year 6, who were brilliant.
Our apologies for the lack of pictures this week, it's been a very busy one!
Thank you again to those of you who atteneded the parents evening meetings this week. We apologise for any technical difficulties, we know it wasn't always easy to get on. We really appreciate the support from everyone.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
The Year 2 team