Year 2 Weekly Blog (18. 9. 20)
Date: 17th Sep 2020 @ 8:36pm
We have had another fun-filled week in Year 2.
In P.E. the children have continued to practise their running and jumping skills, using hurdles as obstacles. Take a look below at some of the fabulous running and jumping!
In Maths, the children have continued to work using Diennes to further improve their understanding of place value; they have also begun to think about the Year 2 'column method' for addition.
The children have also started to think about their topic for the term, 'Homes'; the classes have used Google Earth to explore the local area and thought carefully about the different types of homes we all live in: bungalows, detached, semi-detached, flats, cottages.
In English, the children started the week by sharing their weekend news, and have also been exploring the story 'Harry's Home' and all about the differences between the city and countryside; they have written postcards 'to Grandad' pretending to be Harry. At the start of the week, the children also thought about 'special books' and why they are important to them; Mr Edger shared one of his favourite books: Fantastic Mr Fox, and even began to read it to 2G!
Hopefully the sunny weather will continue over the weekend and into next week - take care and see you on Monday!