Year 2 Weekly Blog (25. 9. 20)
Date: 23rd Sep 2020 @ 3:44pm
Reminder regarding Cauliflower Christmas cards organised by PTA: your child should have brought home with them this week a form for them to create a Christmas card. This needs to be completed and returned to school by Wednesday 30th September.
It has been another busy week in Year 2 - on Thursday and Friday it was definitely beginning to feel like the summer is finally coming to a close after some very sunny and warm weather.
Thankfully, the weather was very pleasant for out door P.E. on Monday and Tuesday. In these lessons the classes have continued to work on their athletics training - this week their focus has been on throwing and catching. The children have started to practise these skills with bean bags, and will be moving onto tennis balls next week. On Wednesday afternoon, both classes had bean bag throwing competitions which everyone seemed to enjoy - we only hope their excitement didn't distract Mr Hardman's Year 5 class too much!
In Maths, the children have started to learn how to use the 'column method' for addition. All of the children have worked very hard during these lessons, and seem to be getting more and more confident with these complex mathematical operations each day. They have been re-inforced during Morning Motivator time, and by using visual and concrete aids (Diennes) to aid and support their understanding.
The children have thought more about homes and the differences between old homes and new homes; Mrs Groom unearthed some household items from the past for the children to examine - Mrs Groom even had to explain what some of the objects were used for to Mr Edger and Miss McGarvey! They have also thought more about the different homes people live in: cottages, detached, flats, and what these types of homes look like.
On Monday, the children used their artistic creativity to design their own unique front door plaque; each child was given a piece of card with their house number on the front and given the freedom to create a design that reflected their family or their own interests - or even just their favourite kind of patterns!
In R.E. on Monday afternoon, the children thought more about special books, and in particular about different types of Bibles and the stories within. Mr Edger brought in his Gran's Bible from 1932 which certainly piqued the interest of the children; and although the children agreed that it was a special book, the tiny writing within this particular copy didn't make it particularly appealing in contrast to some of the more colourful Bibles on show! The children have also thought about the story of Moses and were able empathise with the people within the story, and also able to articulate links between this story and the Christian Value in Year 2: courage.
Next week we will be starting Read Write Inc. lessons again and we are very fortunate to have Mrs Pearson supporting both classes throughout the morning.
Mrs Markham has also now joined the year group and will be working closely with Miss McGarvey in 2M.
Have a great weekend!