Year 2 Weekly blog (20.10.22)
Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 5:24pm
What a brilliant first term we have had in Year 2! We have loved getting to know the children and watching them settle into their new routines and classrooms.
It's been a busy week, with school photo's, St Luke's day, MUFTI and of course the excitement of the school disco!
We spent the beginning of the week getting our ferris wheels finished ready to come home. I'm sure you can agree how well the children have done creating these! It was a tough first project for the children and they did really well.
On Tuesday we went to church to celebrate St Luke's day. The children walked to church with their buddies and listened and sang along with the lovely service.
In Maths we have spent time going back over column method and allowing the children to recognise when we need to use the method. The children's knowledge of column method has really grown and we are ready to begin introducing multiplication and division next term!
To end our 'where we live' topic the children have created oragami houses which they have spent time decorating. It's really lovely to see how creative the children get and how much time they put into the finer details.
Thank you to everyone for the continued support this term, we've had a great first term. We will be uploading the overview for next term very soon, so keep an eye out for that.
Have a lovely half term!
The Year 2 team