Year 2 Weekly Blog (6. 5. 22)
Date: 4th May 2022 @ 2:48pm
We've had another short week in school - but still managed to fit lots of learning and exciting things in! We hope you all enjoyed the long Bank Holiday weekend.
Throughout the week, the children have been thinking more about The Great Fire of London, tending to their vegetable patch, creating their own dance sequence, practising reading number lines and drumming with Gaffro! On Monday afternoon, the children were history detectives, and thought about how we are able to know and learn about historical events using 'sources of information'. Some of the children have also been writing about the Great Fire this week as well, creating fact files all about the event; we loved seeing the writing that the children produced.
On Tuesday afternoon, Gaffro came in for Year 2's weekly drumming lesson; he taught us all about tempo, dynamics, pitch and, as previously, we were all very impressed with how well behaved the children were! The children are all enjoying the lessons: playing together, keeping time and rhythm, and following Gaffro's instructions as he conducts!
On Wednesday, the wet weather - the first time it seems to have rained in a long time! - meant that the children weren't able to complete their usual outdoor P.E. lesson; instead, the children followed a yoga sequence inspired by the Great Fire of London in the classrooms. For indoor P.E. on Thursday, the children created a sequence of dance moves to describe the events of the Great Fire - setting their dance to 'Disco Inferno'! 2G also had some time to add some more work to their sketchbook portfolio, sketching and painting bluebells - we were very impressed with what they produced!
In Maths, the classes have been exploring number lines: carefully pin-pointing where on a number line a certain value would be placed, and also reading information from thermometers, measuring jugs and scales. The children have also thought about how they can work out the difference between two numbers, in particular in sums such as "12 + ? = 65". They have also continued to think about time, focusing on working out 'word problems'.
Enjoy the weekend - see you on Monday!