Year 2 Weekly Blog (6. 11. 20)
Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 1:05pm
We have had a great week back in school after the half-term break.
The children have thought about their new topic for this half-term: Celebrations Around the World, and this week the focus has been on Bonfire night. Did you see any fireworks on Thursday night? Or maybe you're going to enjoy a firework display of your own over the weekend.
On Monday the children made some very creative bonfire pictures using collage skills. Take a look below at 2G's efforts. They followed a series of step-by-step instructions, thinking about time connectives and imperative verbs to enable them to create their own unique bonfire pictures!
Continuing the theme of Bonfire night, the chidren in Year 2 - inbetween the very heavy rain and hailstones on Tuesday afternoon - learned all about sparkler safety. Mrs Groom talked to all of the year group about the importance of keeping safe on Bonfire night, especially when using sparklers. The children then wrote their very own instructions on how to stay safe.
On Thursday the children used Chromebooks in IT to create digital firework artwork. The children also created firework drawings using pastels and chalks and came up with some very colourful and unique designs!
Finally, the children were very excited this week to find out about our plans for the Year 2 Nativity. Roles have been allocated and the children have started to practise some of their lines that they will be performing. Unfortunately, the Nativity won't be quite the same this year as we won't be having an audience, but we will be hoping to film this year's production and we will sure it will be extra special. Lines will be sent home to learn over the coming weeks - but we will send further reminders when you can expect to find them in your child's bookbag!
Take care and enjoy the weekend!