Year 3 - 26.11.21
Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 2:24pm
We have had such a fantastic week this week with the highlight being Advent Day yesterday. We were really lucky to have Reverend Matt come in to speak to us first thing in the morning to tell us all about Advent, the countdown to Christmas. We then spent the rest of the day participating in various activities based around Advent including why God chose to tell the shepherds first, looking at the true meaning of Christmas, learning all about Christingle and then making our own individual Christingles. It was a really wonderful day that was enjoyed by all.
Next week we will be starting to cut and sew our Christmas decorations in DT. Could we please ask that you sit with your child at some point in the coming week and show them how to thread a needle and complete a running stitch. Although we will be practising this in school it is a mammoth task when 30 children are unable to thread their own needle. Well done to those children who have already had a go at home!
Quick reminder – next Friday is our Christmas Fayre and Christmas mufti day in school. For a £1 donation your child can wear their own Christmas jumper/mufti to school that day.
Have a great weekend,
The Year 3 Team