Year 3 Blog 08.09.23
Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 12:58pm
Welcome to the wonderful world of Year Three. We have had a brilliant week with your children. They have returned to school with a spring in their step and a story or two to tell. We do appreciate that the first few weeks back can be challenging for everyone as we all adjust to a new routine after spending an extended period of time at home. There were certainly a few tired eyes by Friday.
The children are learning how we operate in Year Three, the timetable, the extended morning, our expectations for behaviour and generally just settling in to life in the juniors.
On Monday we set about establishing our class rules that everyone was happy to sign their names to. The children were given plenty of time to discuss their thoughts and feelings and we came up with a set of classroom rules that we were all happy with. This way the children understand that if they break one of these rules there will be consequences. One of the consequences is moving your face down our traffic light behaviour chart. We are all trying hard to make a sensible choice and respect each other by listening when somewhere else is speaking.
We have also spent a lot of time getting to know the children. We have been thinking about 3 things we are good at, 3 things we would like to improve on and 3 things we are looking forward to in Year Three. Latin and learning about The Romans came out as the clear winners!
As a treat we were given a V.I.P slot to explore the reception ROLA. Well, the children were in utter heaven. Please take a look at some of the photos. What a fabulous afternoon we had running around in the fresh air, working as a team and re-establishing friendships.
Equipment reminder, please can your child have their own whiteboard pen.
Standing desks - We have introduced tall desks to our Key Stage 2 classrooms so the children can choose to sit or stand as they work. Research indicates there are multiple benefits to standing to work, including: improved focus and concentration due to micro-movements allowing energies to be directed into learning rather than seeking broader movement; increased levels of alert, both during and after standing to work; reduced risk of obesity; improved mental health linked to positive endorphins being stimulated by exercise; better posture and spine/shoulder alignment. The children will all have opportunities to explore how they work best given the benefits are universal; ample space for seated work will continue to be available.
We hope that the children have all come home happy and reassured but if anyone has any concerns then please contact us via [email protected] with anything you think we would benefit from knowing.
Have a relaxing and fun filled weekend and we’ll see the children on Monday when we will begin our focus on the Harvest Festival.
The Year Three Team.