Year 3 Blog 10.9.21
Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 2:30pm
This week the children have worked extremely hard. We have begun our RWI sessions which has involved a lot of movement around school and we have also started our Maths No Problem lessons, introducing the children to 3 digit numbers and using hundreds.
Within Science we started to look at light and dark and which objects are sources of light and which are not. Over the coming weeks we will be looking at reflection and how a shadow is formed. Next week we would like the children to bring a labelled torch into school. This will remain here until the end of the half term and will be used most weeks during Science by your child.
We still have a few children across the year who do not have a pencil case of consumables. Each child needs a pencil case containing pencils, coloured pencils, a ruler, a glue stick, red biros, highlighter pens and scissors. A bottle of sanitiser is also needed.
This week your child has come home with a new home learning book. Stuck in the front are the new home learning grids. Your child can choose one activity from each row, in any order, and return to school by Tuesday the following week to be marked. After initial spelling assessments have taken place the children will also receive spellings home and these will be posted under the home learning tab and the Year 3 page of the website. However, we ask that you continue to learn the year 1 and 2 common exception words with your child as we still have so many unable to achieve this. These words are on the website.
We hope you have a great weekend.
The Year 3 Team