Year 3 Blog 17.05.24
Date: 17th May 2024 @ 2:12pm
It has been a fun, messy and creartive week in Year 3!
It’s been DT week so we’ve all had the chance to unleash our imagination and create some fantastic structures. We first researched the features of castles, thinking about why curtain walls, turrets, battlements, moats and portcullis/drawbridges are often selected as key to any good design. Using our knowledge of materials and their properties and having refined our initial designs, we recycled lots of cardboard into our own imaginative and adventurous creations. Have a look at our photos to see some photos our castles!
In History we’ve further extended our Roman studies by exploring the legacy the Romans left us: towns, plants, animals, language, religion, reading, writing and maths can all be linked back to Roman times. We’re looking forward to sharing our knowledge across the year group next week, teaching and learning from each other. The children will make an A3 information poster detailing key facts on the Roman legacy.
In English we have completed our 'big write.' The children have indepedently planned and written their own stories based on the story of Wisp. The children aimed to write 8 paragraphs which represents one 'plot point.' We have been so impressed of the children's strories across the year group!
Home Learning - there is a piece of maths homework set on Doodle maths, which is based on bar graphs. Year 3 have been learning about bar graphs in maths lessons this week. Also, if time allows over the weekend, please can you quiz your child on the 3,4,8 times tables. Or, remind your child to access Doodle maths and times tables to earn more stars!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
The Year Three Team