Year 3 Blog 17.11.23
Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 9:48am
Well, another week has whizzed by in Year Three. We have filled our hours with tales of Stone Age Boy, Anti-Bullying discussions, silly socks, formation of fossils and a very enlightening discovery that The Bible is indeed the number one bestseller of all time. Y3 also enjoyed the visit of Kate Ellis from Lunt Meadows – Lancashire Wildlife Trust. The day was a fun packed day with Stone Age activities and talks. The children learned a lot from the day and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
This week marked National Anti – Bulling week. On Monday we all enjoyed showing off our odd socks. It proved to be a really effective conversation starter as our discussions evolved to include how important it is to cherish our uniqueness and that difference is a good thing and should be celebrated. We also discussed what we should do if are worried that someone may be being bullied. This year’s anti - bullying mantra is ‘Reach Out’. The children joined in with the national lesson on BBC Teach. The link is below if you would like to revisit or discuss any of the points covered in the lesson at home.
Ultimately, we are all unique. We are all special. We all stand together against bullying. We reach out and are stronger together!
In science, we have been delving into the fascinating world of fossils. The children should be able to describe in simple terms how fossils are formed. Maybe they could include a description in their Home Learning book.
Next week, Y3 will be going to Cineworld cinema at St Helen’s to watch Early Man, a fabulous film about the Stone Age. The children can bring in a small snack, as a treat, for the cinema trip. Please can you make sure the snacks do not contain any nuts.
Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday!
The Year Three Team