Year 3 Blog - 2.12.22
Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 10:30am
Could you hear us belting out “Pant, Pant, Pantosaurus…” this week? The children have really caught on to the catchy lyrics and the important message that they signal. We have continued our PANTS lessons during PSHE this week. Our discussions have focused around good and bad touch, appropriate and inappropriate touch. Interestingly, sometimes touch that feels bad can actually be necessary e.g. stopping a young child from running out into the road. This week there was no giggling as the children used the medical terms for our private body parts without a second thought. Impressively, the children were also able to recall the essential messages surrounding consent and permission. Take a look at all our marvellous pants hanging on the washing line. We also talked about who we would include in our “circle of trust”. The children came up with plenty of examples of who they could turn to if they ever feel they need to speak to a trusted adult.
Our lessons have covered the NSPCC's PANTS rule. Please click on this link if you would like to see the resources we used in class.
PANTS - teacher pack and resources
Lesson plans
In maths, quite a few of the children are struggling with multiplying in 3's and 4's. We have now introduced the 8 x table. The pace is significantly faster in the juniors so, as we mentioned last week if your child is unfamiliar with these times tables please spend some time on TTRS's. You can choose which tables you wish to focus on and if your child doesn’t like the timer you can choose ‘Jamming mode’. Check out our home learning page for links to catchy times table songs.
In English, we have been revisiting how to use a dictionary. Again, this is quite a difficult skill which relies heavily on a sound understanding of the alphabet. Maybe challenge your child to find a word a day. Who can find it faster? Turn it into a family game.
In DT we have begun to design our festive cushion. Any opportunity you can invent for your child to practise with a needle and thread would be fabulous. The trickiest skill is proving to be keeping the thread on the needle.
Well, December is finally upon us and all systems are go for the festive period. We are all looking forward to watching the Year Two Nativity next week, the highlight of Christmas in any primary school.
Happy weekend one and all!
The Year Three Team